Recipe: Cod Crisps

Hookery Cookery Home > Fish Recipes > Cod Crisps Serves 4


Succulent chunks of cod steaks, steamed then fried in batter


  • 2 large cod steaks
  • 3 oz. (75g) self-raising flour
  • 1 level tablespoon of tomato puree
  • salt and pepper
  • 2 teaspoons of corn oil
  • 1 egg white
  • tepid water to mix
  • oil for deep frying
  • lemon wedges to garnish
  • few sprigs of parsley
  • Cooking Instructions:

    1. Gently steam the cod for 10 minutes until almopst cooked but slightly firm
    2. Cut into chunks, discarding any skin and bones
    3. Season well then spred with tomato puree
    4. Chop enough parsley to make one level tablesoon, saving the rest for garnish
    5. Toss the fish in the chopped parsley
    6. Sift the self-raising flour into a mixing bowl and mix in a good pinch of salt
    7. Beat in the corn oil and gradually add just enough tepid water to mix to a very thick batter
    8. Heat up the oil for deep frying
    9. Whisk the egg white until stiff, then fold into the batter
    10. Dip the cod chunks into the batter and drop carefully into the oil
    11. Deep fry in batches for 3 minutes each batch,or until puffed and golden
    12. Drain the fish on absorbent kitchen paper and serve at once garnished with lemon wedges and a few sprigs of fresh parsley

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